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Advisory Panel

Meet Our CTW Asia-Pacific Advisory Panel

CTW Asia-Pacific is proud to have these passionate corporate travel professionals and practitioners lend themselves as advisory panel members to hone and curate the conference’s content development this year.

In addition, panel members serve as ambassadors, encouraging their comprehensive network of industry peers to come together during this annual community-led event.

The contribution of the advisory panel goes towards a stellar CTW Asia-Pacific programme year after year that is not only relevant and poignant for the industry, but one that the corporate travel community is also proud to call their own.

2022 Advisory Panel

Jacob Hu
APAC Mobility Manager

Jeannie Techasiriwan
Special Events Assistant Director
Amway, Thailand

Paul McGowan
Stunning Makeovers Ltd, New Zealand

Peter Koh
Asia Strategic Sourcing Manager
Corning, Singapore

Pulak Bhaumik
Head Global Program Management Office (PMO)
NTT Global Sourcing, India

Volente Mckay
Corporate Travel Manager
ATNS, South Africa